Computer networking allows one computer to connect to other in a limited area or beyond, and exchange information. Network specialists design, implement and monitor computer networks. They can work in companies ranging from banks to media houses, and can even remotely monitors networks in another country for an MNC client.


  • 9am: Reach office. Check e-mail for any updates from research collaborators across the world
  • 10am: Discussions about research ideas
  • 11.30am: Write research reports on current findings
  • 12.30pm: Lunch
  • 1.30pm: Read/ study published research papers
  • 2.30pm: Attend a talk about any current technology
  • 4pm: Write code for experiments that validate new ideas
  • 5.30pm: Work ends
  • 8.30pm-10 pm: Conference call with colleagues overseas

The Payoff

A fresh IIT Delhi graduate would start with about R40,000 a month. A BCA/BSc with a year of network-oriented training from a low-rung college makes at least R7,500 a month. A student trained for a career programme right after Class 12 can start with around R12,000 a month. In MNCs, a network professional with 2 to 3 years’ experience can make R5-6 lakh a year


  • Aptitude for science
  • Open and analytical mind
  • Problem-solving attitude
  • Willingness to keep learning
  • Diligence in ensuring snag-free networks

Getting there

It may be preferable to opt for science after Class 10, but this is not essential. Go for a BE/BTech degree in computer science, Bachelor’s in computer application or information technology. Some industrial or corporate training/certification comes handy. A BE/BTech degree is enough, though in some cases, an MTech or MCA degree may improve long-term prospects. One can also opt for a diploma in computer science. Deep CS knowledge is not always necessary


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